Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hot Out Today

Oh my gosh it was so hot outside today. I did not feel like doing nothing, but of course I had no choice in the matter. I didn't do much but even the little things count right :)

I was waiting for the storms to come in but yea it did what it did all summer long just totally miss us :( I am scared to death of storms but I really want a good one before summer ends.

My kids decided to have a sleep over so I have a house full right now so I am gonna call it a might. Have a good one, sweet dreams and don't let the bed bugs bite!!!



Unknown said... 1

This is one thing that upsets me kinda that Gillian doesnt goto public schools is no friends. Blah blah but I am going to see about getting her into dance classes as soon as the car is paid off.


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