Monday, November 9, 2009

Been awhile

It really has been along time since I have blogged!

With all of the holidays right around the corner my mind has been racing none stop. I have been getting more and more depressed as the days go by. I really hate this time of year. I never really no if I am going to be able to afford the things my kids want for Christmas. Both of my older kids have been asking for the past 2 Christmas that they want laptops, well this year I am going to try and give in, considering now that I have a laptop and they both get on it and they respect it so much so. I feel now would be a good time to do this for them. So I called around to the family and informed them that I was gonna try and get them both laptops and asked if they would like to help out a bit for it. And of course I did get a couple of "yes, we would love to help out" so I am very greatfull for that! I have not really decided on what to get for my youngest yet, she really loves the make believe kind of stuff and she already has the dora house so maybe I will get her stuff to with that or something?!?!?!?



Tarasview said... 1

congrats to you! You won Close Encounters of the Third-Grade Kind in my blog giveaway!

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Please send me your mailing address and I will pass it on to the sponsor asap.

You have 24 hours to reply before I choose a new winner.

thanks so much for entering!



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